Glenbard high schools will be open and holding in-person instruction in our buildings today, January 21 Learn More

Attendance: 24-Hour Line
(630) 653-9092

  • Report absences before 10:30 a.m. on or before the day of the absence.
  • State the student’s name, ID number, your relation to the student, and reason for absence.

COVID-19 Information

In an effort to streamline the reporting of health-related issues to the Health Office and provide prompt support for our students, we will be using a Health Reporting Form

Families must do the following when reporting an absence that is related to illness.  

Report your student absence by calling 630-653-9092 

Report your student’s illness by completing the Health Reporting Form

The form gathers important information that includes positive COVID testing, close contact to a positive COVID case, feeling ill, or have any health questions you may have. You must complete the Health Reporting Form linked HERE

Additional Attendance Procedures Flyer