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Freshmen & Transfer Students Only: All freshmen and transfer students should provide a completed physical with required immunizations to the school nurse by July 1st. The physical exam must have been completed within one year of entrance into 9th grade. iPads will not be mailed to students until the physical is turned in so please ensure this is completed as soon as possible. Students cannot attend school unless the school nurse has received the required Health Exam and Immunizations. If you have questions, please call (630) 653-7000.
Seniors Only: All seniors will need to provide proof of receiving the Meningitis Vaccine to the School Nurse by July 15th. Students cannot attend school unless the School Nurse has received this information.
Insurance Information: District 87 provides “school-time” accident insurance protection for your student as part of its current insurance program. “School time” includes the school day while your student is attending academic school sessions and up to one hour before and one hour after regular classes. Your student is protected during school-sponsored activities as well, which further includes travel directly or indirectly and uninterruptedly to and from such school activity. Note: This coverage does not include interscholastic tackle football. Benefits are secondary to all other collectible insurance policies. Accidents or injuries must be reported to the appropriate teacher, coach, trainer, or nurse as soon as possible. Accidents that are not reported within 30 days of the accident will not be covered by the insurance carrier. Medical insurance is the responsibility of parents. This insurance program is for “school-time” accidents only. Optional coverage can be purchased for two programs: 24-Hour Optional Student Accident Coverage and Grade 9-12 Interscholastic Tackle Football. Insurance brochures are available during Back-to-School Week or can be received by calling the school.
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